12 Eylül 1994, Ankara doğumluyum, şu an Antalya'da yaşıyorum. Javascript, React, Nodejs en hakim olduklarım arasında yer alırken, ASP.NET MVC CORE ve KLASİK ile de bilgilerim bulunmaktadır. MongoDB, PostgreSQL ve MySQL bilmekteyim.REACT DEVELOPER olarak yetkinim, yapabileceğimi düşünüyorum. Şahsi Websitem! : Güncel olarak kullandığım blog sayfam! : GitHub Profilim! : https://github.com/Uktu94 Referans Projelerim için : E-Ticaret Website Projesi: Github Link: https://github.com/Uktu94/ecommerceproject ( Yapmaya devam etmekteyim, güncelleniyor canlı takip edebilirsiniz.) Projeyi geliştirirken kullandıklarım/kullanacaklarım: React, ContextAPI, Stripe Payments, Google Firebase, Html, Sass ------------------------------- Machine Learning API ile yaptığım Web App : https://utkuproject.herokuapp.com/ => FRONT END (GitHub) : https://github.com/Uktu94/maclearapifrontend => BACK END (GitHub): https://github.com/Uktu94/machlearbackendapi Projeyi geliştirirken kullandıklarım: - React, - Node.js - PostgreSQL, - Clarifai API ------------------------------- Canlı site: https://uktu94.github.io/robofriends (React ile yapılan bir adet projem) => GitHub : https://github.com/Uktu94/robofriends ********************************* For English: I was born on September 12, 1994 in Ankara, I currently live in Antalya. Javascript, React, Angular, Nodejs are among what i know, also i know ASP.NET MVC CORE and CLASSIC. I know MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MySQL. I am competent as a REACT DEVELOPER. Here is my blog page! : Here is my GitHub Profile! : https://github.com/Uktu94 Here is my personal website! : For my projects: ECommerce Project: https://github.com/Uktu94/ecommerceproject ( I'm still working on it, it's still updating, go to my github page to see live) What i use when i developing: ------------------------------- Web application i made with Machine Learning API: https://utkuproject.herokuapp.com/ => FOR FRONT END SOURCE(GitHub): https://github.com/Uktu94/maclearapifrontend => FOR BACK END SOURCE(GitHub): https://github.com/Uktu94/machlearbackendapi What i use when i developing: - React, - Node.js, - PostgreSQL, - Clarifai API ------------------------------- See live: https://uktu94.github.io/robofriends (That's an app i've created with React!) => On GitHub: https://github.com/Uktu94/robofriends